Friday, June 25, 2010

First Attempt at Hand Dyeing

One of the things I love best about yarn is the colours. Texture and quality are very important but colour is what hooks me every time. I don't know why it has taken me this long to try hand dyeing on my own. This week I took the plunge and had so much fun.

Things didn't get nearly as messy as I thought they would. My fingernails did change colours, much to the delight of my daughters, but that didn't last long. The important thing was that nothing that wasn't supposed to got stained and the yarn took the dyes beautifully.

I am off with my basket of yarn to Nature's Millworks in Paisley for the Weaving and Rug Hooking Show that starts tomorrow. I will be happy to knit or weave all of this yarn myself if no one is interested in it but if it sells I will definitely buy more base yarn and see if I can find a market for it. Imagine if I could find a way to make my knitting and weaving pay for itself? That would be amazing.

1 comment:

Teacosy said...

oh yes it is a very nice book, I also had it as a christmas present. Like your wool
regards Sylvia